Featured Community Events

Bystander CPR AED Training - event details
Bystander CPR/AED Training Session
3/12/2025 7:33:35 PM Galter LifeCenter, 5157 N. Francisco Ave.

Multiple dates available


This free training features interactive practice of "hands-only" CPR with a mannequin so individuals can understand how to properly perform chest compressions. The class will also demonstrate how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).

Caregiver - event details
Caregiver Wellness Support Group
3/12/2025 7:33:35 PM Galter LifeCenter 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center

Multiple dates available


This group is for anyone who is caring for an adult loved one and would like to take time for themselves to recharge.

Spices that Improve Health -event details
Community Flavors
3/12/2025 7:33:35 PM Galter LifeCenter, 5157 N. Francisco Ave.

Multiple dates available


Celebrate the diversity of our surrounding communities through food! Learn about different cultural foods through a cooking demonstration (samples included) along with the nutritional value of foods, tips to increase vegetable intake and more.

Diabetes Myths - event details
Diabetes: Back to Basics
3/12/2025 7:33:35 PM Galter LifeCenter, 5157 N. Francisco Ave.

Multiple dates available


Learn how to prevent and control diabetes, how to eat for diabetes and how to monitor health through basic screenings for blood pressure and A1C.

Goal Setting - event details
Goal Setting for Wellness
1/11/2024 1:00:00 PM Galter LifeCenter 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center

Thursday, January 11
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


This workshop will focus on setting realistic goals that contribute to our wellbeing.

Heart Disease Screening - event details
Heart Health
2/21/2024 6:00:00 PM Galter LifeCenter, 5157 N. Francisco Avenue Chicago, IL 60625

Wednesday, February 21
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Did you know heart disease is a leading cause of death and disability in our society? Learn how to lower your risk for developing heart disease or stroke and optimize your cardiac health.

If you had a stroke
If You Had a Stroke, Would You Know?
2/8/2024 6:00:00 PM Galter LifeCenter 5157 N. Francisco Avenue

Thursday, February 08
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Katie Lord, stroke program coordinator at Swedish Covenant Health, will discuss the unusual ways that strokes present themselves, common warning signs, when to act and what to do.

Car Seat Installation - Event Details
Infant & Child Car Seat Fitting
3/12/2025 7:33:35 PM Swedish Hospital 5145 N. California Ave., parking garage Floor 3

Multiple dates available


Certified car seat technicians will be available to fit car seats and teach families about correct car seat use. Bring your child, your vehicle and your child’s car seat.

Cooking - Event Rotator
Monthly Cooking Series
3/12/2025 7:33:35 PM Galter LifeCenter, 5157 N. Francisco Ave.

Multiple dates available


This monthly interactive series teaches simple tips for meal planning, shopping and cooking. Includes samples and recipes to bring home!

Self Compassion - event rotator
Self Compassion Workshop
2/22/2024 1:00:00 PM Galter LifeCenter 5157 N Francisco Ave, Community Wellness Center

Thursday, February 22
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Would you like to be kinder to yourself in 2024? In this workshop, we will learn skills to increase self-compassion.

Smoking Cessation Program
Smoking Cessation Program
1/9/2024 6:00:00 PM Anderson Pavilion, Conference Room 5 (2751 W. Winona St.)

Tuesday, January 09
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Price: $150.00

This 8-week program outlines a strategy to quit smoking and offers techniques to establish a cessation plan. The program includes a comprehensive support group combined with individualized interventions.

Stress Mngmt - event rotator
Taller Manejo del Estrés (Stress Management Workshop) - Spanish
3/28/2024 1:00:00 PM Galter LifeCenter 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center

Thursday, March 28
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Si estás experimentando estrés, debes saber que no estás solo/a. En este momento hay muchas otras personas en tu comunidad y en todo el mundo que también viven situaciones estresantes.

Veggies for Health - Event Details
Veggies for Health
1/11/2024 12:00:00 PM Galter LifeCenter, 5157 N. Francisco Ave.

Thursday, January 11
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Learn the basics of nutrition, join a community of peers interested in wellness and receive a weekly bag of fruits and vegetables. A FREE 8-week group nutrition class and produce pick up.

Self-Care = Happy Life
Virtual Mood Support Group for Moms & Birthing People
12/18/2023 6:00:00 PM VIRTUAL

Monday, December 18
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


In this group, participants will learn about the baby blues, depression, and anxiety during pregnancy and the postpartum period.